The Community ============= BDFL ---- Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is often referred to as the BDFL — the Benevolent Dictator For Life. Python Software Foundation -------------------------- The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. `Learn More about the PSF `_. PEPs ---- PEPs are *Python Enhancement Proposals*. They describe changes to Python itself, or the standards around it. There are three different types of PEPs (as defined by `PEP1 `_): **Standards** Describes a new feature or implementation. **Informational** Describes a design issue, general guidelines, or information to the community. **Process** Describes a process related to Python. Notable PEPs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few PEPs that could be considered required reading: - `PEP8 `_: The Python Style Guide. Read this. All of it. Follow it. - `PEP20 `_: The Zen of Python. A list of 19 statements that briefly explain the philosophy behind Python. - `PEP257 `_: Docstring Conventions. Gives guidelines for semantics and conventions associated with Python docstrings. You can read more at `The PEP Index `_. Submitting a PEP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PEPs are peer-reviewed and accepted/rejected after much discussion. Anyone can write and submit a PEP for review. Here's an overview of the PEP acceptance workflow: .. image:: Python Conferences -------------------------- The major events for the Python community are developer conferences. The two most notable conferences are PyCon, which is held in the US, and its European sibling, EuroPython. A comprehensive list of conferences is maintained `at `_. Python User Groups -------------------------- User Groups are where a bunch of Python developers meet to present or talk about Python topics of interest. A list of local user groups is maintained at the `Python Software Foundation Wiki `_. Plone Community --------------- #TODO: write about the Plone community